Dino Strike

Console Nintendo Wii
Publisher Zoo Games
Genre Action , FPS
Region US
Views 1,944
Downloads 1,503
Released 1st Feb 2011 (USA)
File size 495.69 M
4/5 (1 vote)
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Prepare yourself for a heart-pounding journey filled with ancient reptiles and infamous outlaws, all thanks to Game Zoo’s 2011 masterpiece, Dino Strike for the Wii. Whether you prefer taking the reins as a dashing male or a fearless female protagonist, this survival game will immerse you in an enthralling showdown, pitting modern and primitive weaponry against creatures that time forgot—and some bandits who forgot their manners.


The beauty of Dino Strike is its nod to gender inclusivity right from the get-go. As you load up the game, you’re faced with an exhilarating decision: Will you be the guy who faces down a T-Rex or the gal who does it? Your choice of a male or female character does more than just satisfy representation—it impacts how you navigate the game’s riveting landscapes, teeming with prehistoric danger and human malcontents. Starting the game is a breeze, but don’t be fooled; initially, you’re only unleashed into the “easy peasy lemon squeezy” mode, where the dinosaurs are more Barney than Jurassic Park. Baby steps, people!


Life is cheap in the Dino Strike universe—well, actually, you get up to four lives per level. While that might sound like a generous amount, remember that you’re up against creatures that have been perfecting the art of mauling for millions of years. And don’t forget the bloodthirsty bandits who seem to have made it their life’s mission to fail biology class. Each life comes with its blood meter, so it’s not just about losing a life; it’s about losing your precious, dino-attracting blood. Fail to keep it in your veins, and it’s “Game Over, man!”


Amidst the chaos of battling both man and beast, weapons descend from the sky like manna from heaven—or, in this case, from the arms depot. Picture yourself cornered by a velociraptor, and poof!—An AK-47 lands gracefully at your feet. The game’s weapon system offers an array of choices, from the bang-bang efficacy of modern firearms like pistols and AK guns to the more rustic charm of sticks, knives, and axes. Remember, however, that each weapon has its own “use-by date.” Some might be great for long-range poking, while others are better for a good old-fashioned raptor bashing.


Forget the paleontology textbooks that claim dinosaurs are a relic of the past. In the world of Dino Strike, these terrible lizards are as alive as the tension in the air. But these aren’t your garden-variety dinos; these are specially designed, custom-built monstrosities that laugh in the face of natural selection. Whether you’re facing an aerodynamically implausible pterodactyl or a T-Rex with biceps that would make a bodybuilder cry, the game continually spices up new and inventive dinosaur foes. Talk about a blast from the past!


We can’t discuss Dino Strike without tipping our hats to its bonkers storylines. Sure, you’re fighting dinosaurs, but the narrative twists and turns like a velociraptor navigating a hedge maze. One moment, you’re rescuing prisoners from bandits, and the next, you’re decoding ancient puzzles to unlock the mysteries of a forgotten civilization. In other games, you might be able to predict the final boss, but here, it’s anyone’s guess. Will it be a bandit king riding a T-Rex, or perhaps something even more absurd? You’ll just have to play to find out.

So there you have it—Dino Strike in all its glory. If you’re looking for a game that brings more than bullets and bloodshed (although it has plenty of those), this one might just be your adrenaline. Strap in and hang on tight because this is one roller coaster of a game that you won’t want to miss!

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