Downtown Nekketsu Jidaigeki

Console Nintendo 3DS
Publisher Arc System Works
Genre Action , Fighting
Region JP
Views 3,385
Downloads 1,561
Released 28th May 2015 (JPN)
File size 65.74 M
4/5 (2 votes)
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Action-packed and drenched in nostalgic vibes, “Downtown Nekketsu Jidaigeki” is a video game brainchild from Arc System Works that first graced the gaming community in 2015. As a nod to its NES predecessors, the game allows you to assemble a kick-butt crew of up to four samurais. Engage in multi-directional combat featuring the classic fistfights, leg sweeps, and weapon-wielding we’ve all grown to love—or, in some cases, spam like crazy. What’s the cherry on top? The arena is littered with objects ranging from bricks to iron pipes to assist you in sending your enemies to “Samu-hell.”


Ah, choices, choices! Suppose you’re a fan of action games. In that case, you’ve likely faced the predicament of choosing from a gallery of characters that range from “meh” to “uh, what’s this guy’s superpower again?” Thankfully, “Downtown Nekketsu Jidaigeki” saves you the headache by offering a diverse roster of characters, each bringing a unique flair to the battlefield. Whether you’re a rush-in-head-first kind of gamer or a tactician who waits for the perfect opportunity to strike, there’s likely a character that resonates with your play style. After all, a samurai is only as good as the player controlling them, right?


While the basic moves of punching and kicking are all good fun, sometimes you want to feel like a kid in a samurai toy store. Enter the game’s arsenal of weapons that you can equip to make your enemies wish they’d chosen a different career path. Remember, the punch, sword, spear, and naginata make a samurai genuinely fearsome. Amplify your damage output and add a dash of flair to your combat. Let’s just say your enemies won’t know what hit them—literally.


Picture this: You’re in the heat of battle, and your fists aren’t doing the trick. What do you do? You improvise! The game’s environment is rich with objects like stones, bricks, and iron pipes, which you can hurl at your foes like a samurai quarterback aiming for a touchdown. Imagine the satisfaction as your projectile finds its mark and you send your opponent tumbling. It’s almost poetic, in a violent, action-packed sort of way.


Okay, admit it, some of us are suckers for classic graphics. “Downtown Nekketsu Jidaigeki” delivers a nostalgic punch right to the gut with its retro-styled visuals that would make any ’90s kid weep tears of joy. This game is not trying to be the next AAA blockbuster; its content is a light, entertaining romp that offers hours of unpretentious fun. So, if you have an itch for simpler times when polygons didn’t matter and the story was told through actions rather than cutscenes, this is your jam.


So, you’ve had a hard day, and you’re looking to unwind without getting too bogged down by intricate gameplay or heavy narratives. Look no further than this gem of a game, which, despite its name being a mouthful to pronounce, offers an easygoing yet action-packed gaming experience. With its straightforward mechanics and amusing graphics, this game is your one-way ticket to Samu-funland, whether you’re a seasoned gamer or someone looking to kill a few hours.

So there you have it, folks. If you’re craving a slice of samurai action that’s a little off the beaten path, why not give “Downtown Nekketsu Jidaigeki” for the 3DS a spin? After all, who needs a convoluted storyline when you can just hack, slash, and throw bricks like there’s no tomorrow?

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