Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations

Console Nintendo 3DS
Publisher Little Orbit
Genre Action , Adventure
Region EU , US
Views 3,697
Downloads 3,132
Released October 20, 2015
File size 168.54 M
4/5 (6 votes)
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Move over Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew! Make way for Finn and Jake from Adventure Time, the newest duo in cartoon-based detective mysteries. They’re back, and this time, they’re donning their detective hats to solve puzzles and solve crimes in “Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations” on the Nintendo 3DS.


Our protagonists, Finn and Jake, are digging into a plot that can only be characterized as deep and complicated in the kingdom of Ooo, a place filled with fanciful delights and strange personalities. Unlike other games where you just jump around murdering bad guys, this one flips the script by incorporating complicated stories and riddles. The Adventure Time TV program is known for its complex plots, and the game does not disappoint. The narrative thrust keeps you interested, with tasks that weave in and out of the TV show’s setting. This isn’t simply another button-mashing game; it’s an intellectual experience in which your wit is as valuable as your in-game sword. The game is an excellent companion to the show, providing fans with what they’ve been waiting for: a whole narrative in video game form.


Your eyes will thank you for the gaming world’s visual grandeur, and they may even send you a thank-you note. The scene is detailed and brilliantly crafted, drawing you in from the first pixel. If you’ve ever wanted to explore the Land of Ooo, your wishes have been granted in 3D. Consider wandering around the Candy Kingdom, fighting in the Ice Kingdom, or solving riddles in the Fire Kingdom. The stages are so detailed that you could forget you’re playing a video game. Furthermore, the game preserves the show’s distinct look, giving it the ideal entry point into the Adventure Time universe.


And now for something genuinely absurd! A game devoid of comedy is unsatisfying, like a pizza devoid of cheese. Fortunately, this game has a sense of humor that rivals the Ice King’s. Throughout your travel, witty conversation and funny one-liners will keep you laughing. The writing remains faithful to the tone and charm of the show, with each line seeming as though it were written by Adventure Time creator Pendleton Ward himself. What’s more, guess what? You not only get to solve crimes, but you also get to chuckle your way through them.


What’s more gratifying than a flawless PB&J sandwich? In this game, you must solve problems. Players will be confronted with puzzles, mysteries, and challenges requiring logical thinking and rapid reflexes. These aren’t your typical puzzles, people. They are intended to activate your gray matter and increase your heart rate. Your tiny grey cells will be tested, whether you’re interpreting perplexing symbols or putting together information.


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