Heroes of Ruin

Console Nintendo 3DS
Publisher Square Enix
Genre Action , Role-Playing
Region WW
Views 5,707
Downloads 4,146
Released June 15, 2012
File size 403.09 M
3.7/5 (1 vote)
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Gather your buddies and morph into mercenaries embarking on dangerous quests under nobody’s watchful eye. “Heroes of Ruin” for the 3DS lets you team up with three other players, each taking on a unique role with its own set of skills. The game grants you an elevated viewpoint to traverse a sprawling universe, interact with in-game characters for quests, and engage in heated combat with numerous foes. After your daring endeavors, reward yourself by upgrading to more formidable weapons and gear with your hard-earned cash.


One of the most compelling features of “Heroes of Ruin” is its multiplayer capacity. You’re not just diving into dangerous missions alone; you can have up to three other comrades-in-arms to accompany you. Each player can choose a distinct character with unique abilities, offering the variety that keeps life — and imminent death — attractive. In essence, the game values individual prowess and emphasizes the undeniable strength of collective might. Thus, the multiplayer component isn’t just a side offering; it’s a full-course meal, minus the food poisoning risk. So, if you’ve ever wanted to share your hero’s journey with your BFFs while showing off your excellent in-game skills, here’s your chance.


Talk about an array of heroes to choose from! Each avatar in “Heroes of Ruin” comes with its own unique set of attributes, making sure that you’re not just a cookie-cutter mercenary. It’s like being at a buffet, but instead of choosing between pasta and sushi, you’re choosing between a spell-casting sage and a sword-wielding warrior. If variety is the spice of life, then this game is a well-seasoned pot roast that satisfies different appetites. Whether you prefer to face your foes head-on or from a strategic distance, you’ll find a character that perfectly suits your battle style.


You navigate the game’s expansive realms from a high vantage point, much like a general surveying the battlefield. This perspective allows for a grand view of the mystical world and helps you keep tabs on your teammates and enemies. There’s no “I” in “team,” but there sure is an “eye” in “bird’s eye view.” Your aerial viewpoint helps you interact with NPCs, or Non-Playable Characters, scattered throughout the game, giving you vital information and missions that keep the narrative flowing.


The “Heroes of Ruin” quests are more than just filler; they’re the game’s lifeblood. The missions you take are far-reaching and varied, often given by NPCs who would probably be too scared to embark on these journeys themselves. It’s like a to-do list on steroids, where every checkbox you tick brings you one step closer to becoming a legend. Even the side quests are rich in storytelling and challenges. They allow you to delve deeper into the lore and get your hands on those extra rewards, be it more gold or a magical item that turns you into an almost invisible wrecking ball.


Ah, the sweet smell of capitalism, even in a fantasy setting. You’re compensated with cold, hard virtual cash after sweating it out in dungeons and defeating horrendous beasts. The in-game economy enables you to procure weapons and armor that are more powerful and flashy. You’ve got merchants and vendors just waiting to sell you the sword of your dreams or a shield as sturdy as a brick wall. Your earnings don’t just vanish into the ether; they transform you into a mercenary so well-equipped that even the final boss would think twice before messing with you.

So there you have it. “Heroes of Ruin” for the 3DS offers an all-encompassing gaming experience that ticks all the boxes: multiplayer adventures, diverse characters, an expansive viewpoint, quest-heavy gameplay, and customization opportunities. Now, assemble your motley crew and let the epic journey begin!

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