Monster Hunter 3G

Console Nintendo 3DS
Publisher Capcom
Genre Action , Adventure
Region US
Views 5,664
Downloads 3,147
Released 10th Dec 2011 (JPN)
File size 1.39 G
4.1/5 (4 votes)
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Ah, Monster Hunter 3G, or Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, for those who want to sound more… ultimate. Here, we have a revved-up extension of the original Monster Hunter Tri. In this game, you’re not just anybody but a hunter. And what’s your job? Oh, just a minor task of keeping entire villages safe by slaying monsters that have been having bad days. Strap in because this game isn’t about leveling up; it’s about gearing up. Choose your character class, pick your weapons and abilities, and voila! The rest is up to your armor and the ever-essential monster body parts you’ll collect. Let’s dig in, shall we?


First off, the array of character classes that Monster Hunter 3G offers. You’re not just picking a character; you’re choosing a lifestyle. From long-range Gunners to close-combat Hack-and-Slashers, each style has its own unique set of weapons and skills. The beauty? There’s no “getting stronger” in the conventional sense of XP and levels. No, siree! Your power is a direct reflection of your gear. Think of it as a monstrous fashion show with life-and-death stakes. So whether you’re into big swords, giant hammers, or projectile weapons, there’s a class that perfectly complements your monster-slaying aesthetic.


Speaking of gear, it’s all about the weapons and equipment in Monster Hunter 3G. Forget about the mundane sword you started with. After hacking away at some genuinely terrifying creatures, you’ll collect resources and monster body parts to craft weapons that even the gods would envy. The game becomes a sort of “Frankenstein’s workshop,” as you take the teeth, scales, and, yes, even the tails of fallen monsters to build gear that would make any cosplayer jealous. Just picture yourself in armor made of dragon scales, wielding a sword that looks like it could slice the moon in half. It feels good, doesn’t it?


If you think about it, every monster in Monster Hunter 3G is a walking, roaring department store of resources. The game sends you on missions to battle these behemoths, and their body parts are essentially the raw materials for your following fashion statement. Tail spikes? Check. Razor-sharp claws? Double-check. And it’s not just about slaying; it’s about strategy. Different monsters yield different resources, so choose your battles wisely, you savvy shopper.


Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter: your quest. You are the village’s last line of defense against these atrocities. But you’re not just hacking away for fun; there’s a sense of purpose—a sense of responsibility. When you return triumphant, monster parts in tow, you’re not just a hunter but a hero. Remember, in Monster Hunter 3G, the more giant the monster, the bigger the hero. And we all know size matters.


So, you don’t level up in Monster Hunter 3G: no experience points, no skill trees. Your power lies solely in your gear. This twist in gameplay keeps the focus on collecting resources and crafting. Want to be stronger? Upgrade that sword. Want to be invincible? The craft that legendary armor. It’s all about the grind, baby. And who needs XP when you can strut around in armor that screams, “I slayed a dragon to make this”?


In conclusion, Monster Hunter 3G isn’t just a game; it’s a lifestyle choice. It dares you to strategize, pushes you to venture into the dangerous, and rewards you with outfits that would make Lady Gaga blink. So, if you’ve ever wanted to feel like a hero while looking like a rock star, it’s time to grab your weapon and go shopping—I mean, hunting. Happy monster hunting, folks!

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