Pokémon Sun kicks off the seventh generation of the Pokémon series with a setting in Alola, an archipelago inspired by Hawaii. The game will be able to introduce its players to new Pokémon species, bringing the total to over 800. Players control a customizable character who travels to Alola and receives their first Pokémon. Instead of gym battles, Alola features seven island challenges. These challenges test a variety of skills, not just combat. After completing the challenges and defeating the four Kahunas, a trainer will become the champion. Players meet Hau, Lillie, and Cosmog throughout their journey. The story revolves around Team Skull, a group of thugs, and the Aether Foundation, a conservation group. Ultra Beasts, dangerous creatures from another world, also appear.
Pokémon Sun
Console | Nintendo 3DS |
Publisher | Nintendo |
Genre | Adventure , Role-Playing |
Region | WW |
Views | 193,283 |
Downloads | 135,937 |
Released | Nov 18, 2016 |
File size | 1.47 G |
3.8/5 (413 votes)
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