Castlevania HoD: Revenge of the Findesiecle Deluxe+

Console GBA
Developer sorrow
Genre Action , Platformer , RPG
Region English
Views 188
Downloads 112
File size 8.43 M
5/5 (1 vote)
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It was initially the Castlevania (USA) version of the game that had the Castlevania HOD: Revenge of the Findesiecle (J) Hack ported over. This hack enjoyed a great deal of success.

One of the games in the Castlevania: HOD series is referred to as Revenge of the Phantom Findesiecle Deluxe+. not only incorporates the exploit that was initially made public, but it has also been IMPROVED for the version that was made available in the United States!

One of the games in the Castlevania: HOD series is referred to as Revenge of the Phantom Findesiecle Deluxe+. In the American version of Castlevania HOD: Revenge of the Findesiecle, the original features of the Japanese version of the game have been taken and expanded upon. Additionally, this version includes new additional characters, additional music, sprite tweaks, and color palettes.

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