Castlevania: Serenade Under the Moon

Console GBA
Developer 幽0涟
Genre Action , Platformer , RPG
Region English
Views 320
Downloads 232
File size 22.03 M
3/5 (1 vote)
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This romhack, known as Castlevania: Serenade Under the Moon, is an attempt to recreate the map found in the Aria of Sorrow game called Symphony of the Night. The music is probably my favorite part; for some reason, it uses the tracks from the PlayStation version.

Chinese hacker 0 is responsible for creating the exploit. The following are the primary benefits of using this hack:

-Utilize Alucard as your character -SotN Music -SotN Map

Addons were developed by Serbagz and a few other individuals. Included are:

– Complete translation from Chinese to English of all souls, weapons, and monster names and descriptions – Numerous item icons have been fixed
– A recolor hack for the JonataGuitar that takes into account the new zones and is based on the colors of SOTN.
-Please refer to the readme file for details on the many, many, many fixes.

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