Pokemon Ruby Destiny II: Rescue Rangers

Console GBA
Developer destinedjagold
Genre RPG
Region English
Views 156
Downloads 52
File size 4.79 M
5/5 (1 vote)
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Ruby Destiny will be updated to its second version with this. On the other hand, in contrast to the previous version, which was called Reign of Legends and in which I did almost everything by myself, I would like to have a hack team to assist me with this one. The Pokémon Ruby Destiny – Rescue Rangers video game is here, and I’m proud to introduce it to you along with my team.

You’re just a regular kid with nothing special about you living out in the real world. The time has come, without a doubt! You are 12 years old today. Happy birthday! In order to commemorate the occasion, you invited four of your close friends who share your passion for Pokémon. However, just as you were about to begin, a peculiar aura entered the room, and it caused you to lose consciousness.

As soon as you came to, you discovered that you were deep within a forest that you had never been in before, and shortly after that, you heard the peculiar cries of various animals. You checked it out, and to your astonishment, a Torchic and a Chikorita were actually there—either you found them, or they found you.

Which came first: the dream or the nightmare? They informed you that you are also a Pokémon, specifically a Pikachu. They were shocked and perplexed when you approached them with the offer to join their Rescue Team. Because you had nowhere else to go, you gave in. And with that, your journey as a brand new being gets underway.

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