Pokémon Version NEW Ruby – Shadow is a hack of the game Pokémon Version Ruby. It is the sixteenth opus that is part of the NEW edition.
It is considered the first opus of a sub-edition called “multiverse” (taking on the one hand the projects “NEW Ruby & Sapphire – Multiverse”).
This game is both a complementary version, but also a sequel, of the versions “Pokémon Version NEW Ruby – Light & Dark” and “Pokémon Version NEW Ruby – Dark or Light”.
On his way, there will be clashes against many Arena Champions, powerful Rivals, whether friendly or not (Team Anarky, Prism Co.), as well as learning Stories (New type?, Darkness?, Destiny?, Multiverse Bug?)
Strange events seem to happen… Worlds seem to come into contact…
What’s happening?
On your path full of pitfalls, a crucial choice will have to be made… So, what CHOICE would you make?
Will you choose the LIGHT? or the DARKNESS?
– Pokémon from different regions
– New evolutions and type changes for some
– New Pokémon (“Fakemons”)
– Pokédex also complete with the versions: “Light & Dark” and “Dark or Light”
* Champions/Council 4/Master:
– New Champions/Council 4/Master
– Improved, and modified Pokémon
– All possessing 6 Pokémon
* New Rivals
* A new type
* New attacks
* New maps, as well as modified ones
* New items
* Side Missions
And many other new features!
Differences with the versions “NEW Ruby – Light & Dark” and “NEW Ruby – Dark or Light”:
* Different Champions/Council 4/Master/Rivals
* Different Pokémon Champions/Council 4/Master/Rivals
* Exclusive Pokémon (with Legendaries)
* New Pokémon
* Linked story, but different Timeline leading to changes in Stories
* Modified maps, with new Zones
* Methods of Obtaining items
* New Items
And more!
The games have linked Stories, but take place in a different timeline. They are intended to be both complementary versions to each other (to complete the Pokédex), but also games in their own right.