The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Console GBA
Publisher Black Label Games
Genre Action , Adventure
Region EU , US
Views 1,132
Downloads 1,189
Released September 24, 2002
File size 5.64MB
4/5 (2 votes)
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Journey to discover Middle earth begins when Frodo is tasked with protecting the Rings. Sauron is planning to steal the treasure and harness its power to engulf the world in evil, with blood and tears. You will take the role of a hobbit hero, along with the help of nine kind souls to prevent those threats. With the role-playing genre, you will adventure along the banks of the Anduin to many villages and interact with the NPCs that play a core role. Besides revealing the dignity and character like that in a novel of the same name, they will provide a number of quests and rewards, compared to the hard work. Mostly, it involves defeating the bad guys, collecting items, or resolving conflicts so as not to cause war. Character elements are quite important, and can also be developed through the upgrade system. Health, skills, and stats will be increased during this process, with the aim of making battles easier to breathe.

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