Pokémon Cock Version

Console Game Boy (GB)
Developer Unknown
Genre Adult , RPG
Views 39
Downloads 18
File size 372.71 K
4/5 (1 vote)
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Pokemon Cock Version is a retelling of Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow but with a much more perverted twist. Once again put in the role of your nameless trainer, you and your rival are tasked with capturing all the Pokemon and completing the Pokédex for Professor Oak. However this time there is more at stake than just a simple rivalry. The loser of this completion will have something terrible happen to their loved ones courtesy of Professor Oak.

So right off the bat there is no graphics or sound changes to this game. It is the classic Pokemon through and through. No new graphics, no new music. Where this game changes is in the story, all the dialogue, and in certain aspects of the gameplay. For example your choices for a starter Pokemon are Mew, Lickitung and Mr. Mime while your rival gets Magicarp. Once the game begins you’ll be able to get unlimited master balls and the random encounters are now all over the place in terms of which Pokemon you encounter. It’s not uncommon to encounter fully evolved Pokemon.

So bottom line is this, as far as a game goes, it’s pokemon just really dirty. The core game is exactly the same, and there isn’t much more to it. If you’ve played the gen 1 Pokémon games, there is nothing new here. This is the kind of game you play if you have a really perverted sense of humor.

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