NES Roms

Selected Publishers: Supervision Entertainment Ltd.
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The global gaming community knows Nintendo Entertainment System as NES, which is an 8-bit console-based gaming device. The device is manufactured by Nintendo, a manufacturer specializing in Japanese technology and games. This is a very well-known device before, especially for the 9x generation, when you are young, surely many players want to have this NES. The device was first launched in July 15, 1983, in Japan and sold in the US and Europe in 1985 and 1986. After a series of successful arcade games in the early 1980s, Nintendo plans to create a tape game machine called Famicom, which stands for Family Computer. And so the device was born in no small number of players in 1983. The device was discontinued on September 25, 2003, during 20 years of production, the device has sold 61.91 million units above. Around the world.

NES is an 8-bit console and includes a Ricoh 2A03 processor paired with 2KB of RAM. This allows the system to display a screen of 256 × 240 resolution with 48 colors and six grey variants. The handle of the device is straightforward, which includes 4 five navigation buttons on the left side of the handle and four buttons to control combat characters. NES allows two players to play at the same time with two controllers at the same time to share experiences and support each other when playing games.

After being discontinued, NES has a lot of different emulators, so people can also experience the games of this device. In it, we have NESticle licensed by Nintendo to operate. The device has a lot of famous games, such as “The Legend of Zelda”, “Zelda II: The Adventure of Link”, “Super Mario Bros. 2” and there are many famous titles of the device. Among them, the game with the most players is “Super Mario Bros” with more than 40 million units sold. Perhaps the era now is the most successful era of the gaming industry, but players can not find the feeling of childhood anymore. If you want to find titles that have been available on NES, come to us right now to return to your childhood.