Mathematik 1.-4. Klasse: Fit fuers Gymnasium

Mathematik 1.-4. Klasse: Fit fuers Gymnasium

Console Nintendo DS
Views 104
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File size 3.95 M
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Fit for high school! Mathematics – German – Expertise – English Elementary school 1st-4th Class is the digital and further developed version of the classic flashcard box. Just like a card box, this game can be used to learn the learning content with extreme effectiveness. The game makes use of the well-known and proven principle of learning through repetition. The learning successes that you achieved with elementary school 1.-4. class can not be achieved with any other conventional learning method. The program contains a total of over 2,000 practice questions from the areas of German, mathematics, English and general knowledge as well as a helpful mental arithmetic trainer that can create an endless number of tasks with different levels of difficulty. Your child will be assigned to a level depending on the age group selected. Level 1 and 2 correspond to the first class, level 3 and 4 to the second class, etc. In order to reach the next higher level, at least 80% of the questions must be answered correctly in one round. In this way, ambition is awakened and the joy of learning is maintained through a sense of achievement. Over 2000 tasks for mathematics, German, general knowledge and English: * Mathematics: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, text and geometry problems * German: spelling, grammar, punctuation, word fields, root words * Expertise: geography of Germany and Europe, nature, animals, plants, nutrition, time * English: the most important words from the areas: my home, my family & me

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