Mathematik und Deutsch 1.-4. Klasse 2013

Mathematik und Deutsch 1.-4. Klasse 2013

Console Nintendo DS
Views 95
Downloads 19
File size 4.98 M
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For Mathematics & German 1.-4. Class 2013 is an educational game that can be used to work on and practice math and German learning content for elementary school classes 1 to 4 inclusive. The player initially enters the level of the current school class himself when registering as a user. Depending on the number of correctly answered questions per round of questions, the level of difficulty is then automatically adjusted to the skills of the player. The next level of difficulty is reached when at least 80% of the questions have been answered correctly at the current level. Playfully to better grades - Child-friendly tasks and exercises developed by educators - More users – two children can learn at the same time - Automatic adjustment of the level of difficulty according to learning success - Included: mental arithmetic trainer: basic arithmetic operations in the number ranges 0-20, 0-100, 0-1000

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