The protagonist of Drakengard is a prince without a kingdom named Caim, who battles for the Union against the Empire. Under the protection of the Union are the Hierarchs and the Goddess, presently Caim’s sister Furiae, who is the human manifestation of one of the four seals that prevent the world’s destruction. As the game begins, Cain is mortally wounded in combat with the Empire. Caim makes a fateful decision upon encountering a near-death Red Dragon in captivity. Caim and the Red Dragon will engage in a pact in exchange for their lives. This pact will eternally bind their lives and souls together at the expense of something irreplaceable. Caim’s vengeance consumes the adversary, fueled by the Dragon’s flames.
The user controls Caim during his quest. There are three distinct game modes: aerial combat, ground combat, and event combat. Caim engages in Aerial Combat on the dragon’s back against various airborne enemies firing fireballs (both powerful single shots and weaker multiple lock-on shots). The Dragon is agile and can evade imminent dangers by abruptly turning around. In Ground combat, the game is typically played from a third-person perspective in vast, open areas. Caim’s primary ability is utilizing various weapons encountered on the battlefield—these increase in level through continued use, particularly by killing individual enemies. Caim shatters adversary armies with his magic (as determined by his choice of weapon), well-timed attacks, and evasion. Caim’s allies can also be summoned during combat, with their vitality gradually depleting until Caim regains control. Caim can also call his Dragon to ride and strafe adversaries from the air during ground combat. The Dragon’s movements are similar to those in aerial conflict, albeit more restricted and less agile. Event combat resembles Ground combat but is depicted isometrically, is limited to a single weapon, and does not involve a dragon. It is primarily used to convey narrative sequences.
Levels traversed previously may become optional “Expedition Missions” with new objectives, enemies, and weaponry. In addition, any once-completed story level can be revisited anytime. There are five possible conclusions to Drakengard, depending on Caim’s decisions (and the prerequisites for each).