Dragon Age 2

Console PS3
Publisher Electronic Arts
Genre Action , Role-Playing
Region EU , US
Views 3,008
Downloads 1,652
Released March 8, 2011
File size 6.14 G
4.7/5 (3 votes)
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As the herald of a new era of digital fantasy escapades, “Dragon Age II” roared into the gaming arena, ready to set the PlayStation 3 on fire. This herald of interactive storytelling, developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts, packs a considerable punch, guaranteeing endless hours of intricate plotlines, well-rounded characters, and captivating gameplay mechanics. Buckle up, dear reader, for an epic roller coaster ride through the “Dragon Age II” riveting saga.


The plot of “Dragon Age II” is as rich as a dragon’s hoard and just as likely to consume hours of your life. Set within the tumultuous period between 9:30 and 9:40 Dragon, the game introduces us to Hawke, the Champion of Kirkwall, unlike its predecessor, “Dragon Age: Origins,” which took players across the vast continent of Thedas, “Dragon Age II” drills down into the city of Kirkwall and its surrounds. The narrative arc cleverly unfolds through a clever framing device, the recollections of the dwarf Varric under interrogation. So, don your fantasy hats and prepare to traverse time and space in a captivating decade-long tale of triumph, tragedy, and the occasional fire-breathing lizard.


The game is a veritable smorgasbord of complex characters that you’d think jumped out from a Tolkien book but with a bit more sass. Hawke, our primary protagonist, can be a man or a woman, depending on the player’s choice, and player decisions also shape their personality. The eclectic companions include the sarcastic Varric, the zealous Anders, the stoic Fenris, and the fiery Isabela, each with in-depth backstories and unique abilities. BioWare’s signature character development style turns each individual into an intricate tapestry of strengths, flaws, and interpersonal relationships, and they evolve dynamically based on your actions and decisions. In “Dragon Age II,” character development isn’t just a stat sheet; it’s a lifestyle!


“Dragon Age II” offers slick gameplay features that make RPG fans feel like kids in a candy store. The class-based system allows you to play as a warrior, mage, or rogue, each with a unique skill set and play style. The game also introduces a revamped combat system that’s faster and more cinematic, though still requiring strategy and tactical thinking, especially at higher difficulty levels. The dialogue system, powered by a fully-voiced main character for the first time in the series, employs a radial command system that is as effective as it is immersive. Choose your actions and words carefully, as they shape the world around you subtly and overtly.


Last but not least, let’s talk about graphics and environments. “Dragon Age II” showcases a distinctive, beautiful, and sometimes grim visual aesthetic that adds depth to the storytelling. While the game might focus on a single city and its surroundings, don’t let that fool you – Kirkwall and The Free Marches are teeming with variety. From the shining Hightown to the grimy Lowtown, the squalor of Darktown, and the eerie beauty of Sundermount, each location oozes personality. In conjunction with improved graphics from its predecessor, the game artfully combines these elements to create a visually enchanting narrative tapestry that will have you gasping in awe, one pixel at a time.

In conclusion, “Dragon Age II” is a masterful blend of innovative gameplay, deep character development, and stunning visual landscapes. Its triumph lies not just in the epic scale of its storytelling but in the myriad of tiny, fascinating details that infuse the world with life, making it a must-play for any PS3 owner.

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