Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a sequel to Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. The game follows Nathan Drake in searching for the lost fleet of Marco Polo. He hopes to find a great treasure. The gameplay is similar to the first game, but it includes new features. There are stealth segments and improved climbing mechanics. Drake often works alone, but sometimes he has companions. The game has puzzles to solve and various locations to explore. Multiplayer modes are new to the series. They include competitive and cooperative play. Players can team up or compete against each other. The PS4 release only has a single-player mode, but it adds a photo mode. This mode allows players to pause and create photos from the game.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Console | PS3 |
Publisher | Sony Computer Entertainment |
Genre | Action , Adventure , Platformer |
Region | EU , US |
Views | 23,677 |
Downloads | 16,825 |
Released | October 13, 2009 |
File size | 18.37 G |
3.9/5 (17 votes)
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