“Gran Turismo Sport” is known as a series of dramatic racing game from Polyphony Digital, released for only one PlayStation 4. This is one of the new versions of the series of the same name. was released following massive commercial success around the world. Coming to the game “Gran Turismo Sport” you will be able to personally experience online car racing competitions with other players so that you can show your talents with racing techniques. “Gran Turismo Sport” provides players with more than 309 professional racing cars with attractive game campaign modes such as Sports mode and Arcade mode. In the sport mode, players can participate in 3 daily races refreshed each week with dramatic ranking positions for professional silk riders only. The ranking will evaluate players through level positions from E to S. If players successfully complete the race with difficult techniques in the game they will receive combo bonus points and can win the position A + and S.
Gran Turismo Sport
Console | PS4 |
Publisher | Sony Interactive Entertainment |
Genre | Racing |
Region | WW |
Views | 10,555 |
Downloads | 2,521 |
Released | October 17, 2017 |
3.8/5 (33 votes)
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