Card Games

Card Games

Console PlayStation (PS)
Publisher A1 Games
Developer Amedio
Genre Casino
Views 137
Downloads 112
Released August 28, 2001
File size 12.81 M
0/5 (0 votes)
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Card Games is a value-priced PlayStation title containing six different card games tied together with a casino interface. Draw Poker, Blackjack, Baccarat and Seven-card Stud are the traditional entries, with the less-familiar Speed and President rounding out the package. Casino mode starts you out with a small amount of chips and the goal of winning enough cash to purchase items at the shop. Merchandise includes new background music, access to higher stakes tables, and most importantly, furnishings for your room. When the game begins, your room is empty, but as you earn money you are able to buy a variety of products such as wallpaper, carpet and TVs. Your winnings and all merchandise purchased are saved on the memory card at the end of each session.

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