Pac-Man World: 20th Anniversary is a 3D action-adventure game developed by Namco and released for PlayStation in 1999. In the game, you control the character named Pac Man. The game consists of 6 stages, each stage is divided into levels with increasing difficulty. You will collect a certain number of stones to unlock the next level in the first five stages. According to the game’s story, Pac Man’s 20th birthday was ruined by ghosts. They kidnapped his friends and took them to their base of ghost island. Pac Man will have to go to ghost island and defeat the ghost to rescue his friends.
Players will have to control the character through 6 stages of the game to help the character rescue the kidnapped friends. At the end of each stage of the game, the player will have to defeat a tycoon to complete the stage. In addition, players can choose any stage that they want to play. However, two of the 6 stages will be locked. Players will have to complete all tasks of the previous 4 stages to unlock these 2 stages. Each stage corresponds to a map, the maps include factories, pirate ships, haunted graveyards, circuses, and outdoor space. At the levels, there will be fruit-shaped items to increase the character’s bonus points. In addition, there will be PACMAN letters appearing along the way. A bonus level will be opened when the player collects enough letters after the end of the main level. Players will receive a key to rescue one of their friends after completing a level. At certain levels, a Galaxian flag appears and this flag allows the player to enter a maze corresponding to the stage you are playing. You will have to collect all the question marks and avoid being attacked by ghosts. After completing the quest in this maze, you will be rewarded with special items that are not available in the main levels of the game.
Characters will die when the hp bar is depleted. If the player lets the character run out of lives, then the game will end and you will have to play again from the beginning. The game also features a record of your progress. This helps players continue their progress instead of starting over again. Save your progress after passing a level.