Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z is a fighting game based on the famous cartoon movie of the same name, produced by the very famous game publisher Namco Bandai brought to players in 2014. If you have ever seen Dragon Ball and are a fan of Son Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, surely you will love this game. You will be immersed in your favorite characters to participate in fierce battles, and you can use all the skills of the character. The explosive sound effects, along with extremely beautiful graphic images, will bring you the best matches in both images and actions. Many worthy matches for players are waiting ahead in this game – Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z.
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
Console | PS Vita (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Bandai Namco Games |
Genre | Action , Role-Playing |
Region | WW |
Views | 8,875 |
Downloads | 7,398 |
Released | January 23, 2014 |
File size | 1.42 G |
3.8/5 (14 votes)
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