Minecraft is a 3D game originally created by Swedish programmer Markus Persson, then developed and published by Mojang. Minecraft has a vast map. It’s even estimated to be bigger than the Earth. A game that looks simple but has extremely rich gameplay, so it attracts a huge number of players up to tens of millions of players worldwide. The game has 3 main types of play: survival, creativity, and adventure. You can play offline, but playing online will be able to create more interesting things. Survival mode: players will have to search for resources, have health, can be hungry and have to fight monsters that often appear at night. The goal will be to win the dragon, Ender. Creative mode: you will have an unlimited amount to be able to create everything you want. And Adventure Mode: quite similar to survival mode but there are limitations in that you can not break, place blocks, but you must have the right tools to hit or destroy the blocks. There are also many other modes for players to explore.
Console | PS Vita (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Sony Computer Entertainment |
Genre | Adventure , Other |
Region | WW |
Views | 18,555 |
Downloads | 15,953 |
Released | 18 November 2011 |
File size | 156.96 M |
4/5 (27 votes)
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