SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighter’s Clash 2 Expand Edition is the second game of the Card Fighters series. Unlike its predecessor, Card Fighters 2 was released as a single game; the player is asked whether they prefer SNK or Capcom upon starting the game.
Also unlike the first Card Fighters game, Card Fighters 2 was a Japanese-exclusive release. Fortunately, a fan translation patch can be used to translate the text into English.
New Features
Card Fighters 2 features a more straightforward single-player mode, as opposed to the RPG-like gameplay of the first Card Fighters game. Several new characters are added, both from SNK and Capcom. In addition, special edition cards (featuring non-SD picture art) are added.
The only addition gameplay-wise is the Reaction card, which are essentially Action cards that are played right before defending an attack. Otherwise, the core game is identical to the first Card Fighters.