Konami continued to launch a game consisting of many sub-games based on the hit cartoon of the same name. It has a plot revolving around Warner Siblings, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot trilogy. In this version, students are responsible for finding 24 pages of Warner Bros. scripts that Brain had stolen. Brain took the script to plot to conquer the world. Another mission of the three brothers is to prevent his conspiracy. Join the game, and you will control the character through a three-dimensional playground. The characters will move around the Warner Siblings’ studio. You can complete the game without collecting full 24-page scripts. This game will focus on the stages of visual scenes and film genres. You will be allowed to control all three characters in the game at the same time. These characters have immortal vitality when there is no calculation of life or health bar. In addition to their immortality, they are just ordinary characters without power. The main characters move like running, picking up things, rushing away. In some cases, when a high-level item is needed, the three characters can be stacked. There is a slot machine at the bottom of the screen that shows how many people have earned and how many pages the script has found. On the way, players will encounter many different challenges.
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