Bugs Bunny – Rabbit Rampage

Console SNES
Publisher Nintendo
Genre Action
Region EU , US
Views 1,260
Downloads 779
Released 1994
File size 873.32KB
5/5 (1 vote)
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Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage is an action genre game. The title of the game originates from the famous Rabbit Rampage cartoon, and the protagonist of the movie is the Bugs Bunny – one of the most popular cartoon characters of the 20th century. Players control Bugs Bunny so that the rabbit fights the villains in the traditional Looney Tunes movie and eventually must confront the main villain of the story directly – Daffy Duck. Most of the levels in the game based on clips cut out from the short film Looney Tunes. The game also has characters like in the traditional movie that is Elmer Fudd, Marvin the Martian, Yosemite Sam, Tasmanian Devil, and Wile E. Coyote. The game has more than ten levels that players must pass. Through each level, there are many weapons that players can pick up, such as bombs, explosives, scones, tomatoes, etc. Different levels will have different contexts and different exit paths.  The level of snow forest is where Bugs fights Elmer Fudd and his hounds, as well as Gofers Goofy. Defeat Elmer by hitting his face with a cake and then plunging a rabbit hole. Or on another level, in a pub, Nasty Canasta is waiting for Bugs. To win, stick to him and jump on him many times. And the last level is to overcome the eternal enemy of Bugs – Daffy Duck. But it is also challenging to win because Daffy Duck is immortal, and using a shotgun can kill players in one blow.

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