Bionic Commando

Console Xbox 360
Publisher Capcom
Genre Action , Adventure
Region WW
Views 1,546
Downloads 709
Released May 19, 2009
File size 6.33 G
5/5 (1 vote)
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In Bionic Commando, Nathan “RAD” Spencer defeated the Imperials and destroyed the Albatross ten years ago. Hailed as heroes, he and his colleague Joseph “Super Joe” Gibson took on the responsibility of training recruits under the banner of the TASC. However, when Spencer disobeyed a Gibson order during Operation Blackout, which resulted in the deaths of several TASC agents, Spencer was court-martialed and sentenced to death. At the same time, his actions changed the public’s opinion of bionic technology, leading to the cancellation of the program and the “Bionic Purge.” During the purge, all TASC staff were compelled to surrender their bionics or have them removed forcibly. Some left, others obeyed, but bionic technology was essentially eradicated from the country until BioReign terrorists detonated an atomic bomb in Ascension City. With no military unit returning from Ground Zero, Nathan is spared his fate for now. Instead, he is sent in to deal with the problem in exchange for new information on the whereabouts of his missing wife, Emily.

The player walks around the wrecked metropolis in a conventional third-person shooter mode, completing goals such as triggering a relay station, deactivating a minefield, and eliminating the innumerable foes (including mechs and other deadly vehicles) standing in his path. His Bionic Arm is always by his side. While it can be used just to throw a vicious punch, the device’s built-in grappling hook is the actual giveaway. It allows the player to swing about quickly and even ascend the tallest tower, but it’s also a valuable tool for removing adversaries and other bothersome impediments. At the same time, Nathan can also utilize regular weapons with his right hand, such as pistols or grenades. Aside from BioReign-forces, Nathan is also at odds with the environment, with radioactive zones killing him practically instantaneously. Nathan cannot swim due to the weight of his Bionic Arm and will drown if he falls into the water.

The game has both collectibles and challenges to keep things interesting. While artifacts are simply buried in the stages, challenges are presented once the player has completed a task or gained a new ability. The objectives of these tasks include killing 25 adversaries, swinging three times in a row, and damaging three train wagons. When a challenge is completed, the player receives an immediate bonus, such as improved armor, and is frequently given the same challenge again but with more excellent criteria.

The game also has a multiplayer option for up to eight players that includes Deathmatch, Team-Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag on short, primarily vertical areas that allow players to wield the Bionic Arm in the same way they do in single-player.

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