Dead or Alive 4

Dead or Alive 4

Console Xbox 360
Publisher Tecmo
Genre Fighting
Region WW
Views 4,331
Downloads 3,310
Released December 29, 2005
File size 5.02 G
4.4/5 (1 vote)
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The fourth chapter in the Dead or Alive series (excluding Beach Volleyball) follows in the footsteps of previous fighting games. Another dose of combination heavy action set in various highly interactive environments.

With Helena taking leadership of DOATEC, an eclectic array of fighters from around the world compete for some personal aim. Each character has a unique and frequently bizarre motivation.

In the main game’s story mode, each character goes through a series of encounters, often in weird contexts, such as taking exception to the brutality of a T-Rex and a fight over fresh lettuce, both of which are instances of reasonably odd but entertaining Japanese humor.

Players can watch battles on XBOX Live while waiting for their turn in the arena. As with many Live games, VOIP is also supported.

With a graphics improvement and a better combat system (tested by some top DOA players before release), Dead or Alive 4 is aimed not only at older DOA players but also at tempting new gamers, thanks to a less scary control mechanism that gives the experienced a slight advantage.

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