DmC: Devil May Cry

DmC: Devil May Cry

Console Xbox 360
Publisher Capcom
Genre Action , Adventure
Region WW
Views 291
Downloads 491
Released 15 January 2013
File size 7.85 G
5/5 (1 vote)
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DmC: Devil May Cry is the fifth installment in the hack-and-slash third-person action series and the first in which Capcom did not have a significant role. This title is a reinvention of the series, featuring the same protagonist Dante but set in a different reality. The Dante in this game is substantially different from previous ones, lacking the iconic white hair and altering the main character and the game’s tone to reflect a much more Western influence. The gameplay remains substantially the same, with Dante engaging multiple opponents with a fast combat style, combining combos and attacks in rapid succession.

The game takes place in the fictitious, bleak Limbo City, which is secretly controlled by demons who are also after Dante. He finally connects with his long-lost brother Vergil, who heads a rogue group called The Order, dedicated to eliminating the monsters, through a girl named Kat. They eventually realize they are Nephilim, the progeny of the demon Sparda and the angel Eva, which allows them to see and interact with monsters. The game combines fantasy sceneries with surreal settings and technology accents, such as being within a TV broadcast of a biased news station called “Raptor News” or interacting with a soft drink firm from within. In addition to the fighting, there are frequently platforming sequences, including grappling with moving about and auto-targeting.

Dante’s primary weapon is his sword Rebellion, which may be used simultaneously with up to three melee weapons and guns (the twin pistols Ebony and Ivory) for ranged attacks. Players are frequently encouraged to switch weapons rapidly to keep combos running, grapple adversaries closer (Hell weapons), or zoom in on Dante himself (Angel weapons) and avoid assaults swiftly. Armoury unlocks grant access to new weapons and attacks. These are obtained by collecting souls along the journey, the leading money that comes in various forms and provides health. In addition, he gains access to two different weapon ranges, Angel and Devil. These are represented by the colors blue and red, and later on, opponents are frequently defeated solely by employing the correct weapon in the right situation. Angel weapons include a shuriken and a scythe named Osiris, while Hell weapons unleash enormous power via a gigantic axe and a pair of lava fists that can also be charged. When a specific amount of energy is accumulated, Dante can activate the Devil Trigger mode, which causes time to slow down.

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