Super Pang

Console SNES
Publisher Capcom
Genre Action
Region EU , JP
Views 1,181
Downloads 517
Released 1992
File size 354.27KB
5/5 (1 vote)
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Super Pang is a relatively new puzzle game combining shooting puzzles, released by the Mitchell family in 1990. This is the second game in the popular Pang series at the time. Coming to Super Pang, your main goal is to use guns to shoot bubbles bouncing around the screen. Every time a large bubble bursts, it will spread many smaller balls, and you have to shoot again to break and add points. If your character hits a big or small bubble, he will lose his life. Moreover, sometimes on the screen will appear monsters, from flying to walking and touching them, you will lose your life. Players must use guns to destroy them. Super Pang has two main game modes to explore: Panic mode and Arcade mode. In Panic, you must face a rain of bubbles. In addition to normal bubbles, there is a special type of bubble clock engraved. If you hit it, all the bouncing bubbles will stop completely within 9 seconds. As for Arcade mode, the bubbles remain the same but additionally, the walls (which can be destroyed by guns) prevent you from hitting the ball.

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