Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica

Console PS2 (Download Emulator)
Publisher NIS America
Developer Gust
Genre Role-Playing
Region Japan
Views 1,703
Downloads 1,138
File size 3.27 G
5/5 (1 vote)
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The Reyvateil region of Ar Ciel is threatened by an outbreak that is murdering the population. Croix, a knight from the Grand Bell, is dispatched to deal with the attack. According to tradition, the inhabitants of Metafalss, headed by the Grand Bell, rebel against the Goddess who rules the universe to accomplish their ideal and create a utopia by singing a song in the Hymnos language called Metafalica.

Melody of Metallica is an RPG that takes place one and a half years after its predecessor, Melody of Elemia. The Ar tonelico series continues with the second episode. The random enemy encounters’ turn-based battle sequences are divided into two sections. In the first attack, the characters can conduct attacks until the timer runs out. When a Reyvateil, a race member who can wield magic by translating sounds into energy, is present at the party, players can choose which magic to employ and when to use it. During the second phase, Defend, opponents can attack and target the (up to two) Reyvateil singing at the back of the party. The remaining characters must then protect themselves by timing their defensive moves. The efficiency of strikes is frequently decided by how well they are synchronized to Reyvateil’s commands.

Croix can dive into the minds (Cosmospheres) of particular Reyvateils to learn about their sentiments and emotions in the game, mainly oriented on female heroines. That game element takes the form of text-heavy dating-style features in which the choices can alter the plot, and it is also the system by which new Song Magic is created. Diving is limited to the three primary characters in the game, and Croix must commit to one of them; it is impossible to switch between them. The Dive mechanism can convert new “evil” Reyvateil, who will contribute to the party. These are equipped via an additional item slot and have an offensive or defensive effect on the player.

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