You control a teenager named Jude Maverick, who lives in a quiet floating village. Over time, his world shatters when he descends to face the harsh reality below. The government has plans to improve conditions, but Jude meets a young girl who is in bad condition. Therefore, the protagonist must find a better way to save her and the world from destruction. The game remains the core gameplay of the series with the Wild West theme. From there, you will be excited to explore a post-apocalyptic setting and overcome various challenges. Players also try to navigate characters across seven hexes and learn various skills. Sometimes, the game requires one to solve environmental puzzles in dungeons.
Wild Arms 4
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | 505 Game Street , SCEI , XSEED Games |
Genre | Action |
Region | EU , US |
Views | 2,105 |
Downloads | 1,475 |
Released | JP: March 24, 2005 NA: January 10, 2006 EU: October 13, 2006 AU: October 26, 2006 |
File size | 2.95 G |
2.6/5 (1 vote)
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