The third installment in the Parasite Eve video game series casts players in the role of Aya Brea, who is no longer a member of the New York Police Department but rather a member of CTI (Counter Twisted Organization), an organization that fights a new variety of foe known as Twisted that has suddenly appeared in the picture. In contrast to the previous two games, this one is played in 3D, has a constant background, and utilizes an over-the-shoulder camera. Overdrive is Aya’s new extraordinary power, which allows her to exert her will and influence over friendly, non-playable characters on the battlefield. It also enables her to transmit her soul to other allies on the battlefield.
The 3rd Birthday
Console | PSP (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Square Enix |
Genre | Role-Playing |
Region | WW |
Views | 5,098 |
Downloads | 8,907 |
Released | December 22, 2010 |
File size | 1.17 G |
4/5 (5 votes)
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Jogo muito bom, pena que não está legendado em PT BR, não acho esse jogo em lugar nem um da internet legendado.