This is an enhanced recreation of the Homestar Runner Flash game, Trogdor. It is currently available for PC, Switch, Wii U, Wii, 3DS, Vita, and PSP.
Homestar Runner is no stranger to fan ports of its Flash games, and its impact on Flash media, as well as Internet media as a whole, cannot be overstated. Though the original game is still playable on modern devices through its HTML5 port, this project aims to expand on the original release with new features and multiplatform libraries that allow for porting to a wide variety of systems.
– Recreated the original Flash game faithfully, complete with intermissions.
– Easily tweak gameplay settings like enemy speed and extra life points or choose from new difficulty options.
– Supports any frame rate, up to 144 FPS (or 30/60 on consoles).
– Save your game anytime, including mid-play, and keep track of your high scores.
– Convenient level selection and shuffle options.
– Discover new cheats in addition to the classic Konami code.
– Opt for the optional soundtrack from the Homestar Runner game.
– Stinkoman 20X6.
– Choose screen scaling options for both full-screen and pixel-perfect views.
– Fixed bugs from the original game.
– Big head mode.