Marvel vs. Capcom 2

Marvel vs. Capcom 2

Console Xbox 360
Publisher Capcom
Developer Backbone Entertainment , Capcom
Genre Fighting
Region World
Views 478
Downloads 259
File size 137.45 M
4.3/5 (1 vote)
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The 2D fighting game Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes spawned the sequel Marvel vs. Capcom 2: Clash of Super Heroes.

This game lets you tag in all three players, whereas the game’s predecessor only allowed you to type in two players and reserved the third player for particular assaults.

There are currently up to 56 playable characters, most of which must be unlocked before usage. New characters like Jill Valentine from Resident Evil and Tron Bonn from Mega Man Legends have been added.

Another addition to the game’s mechanics is the capability for your allies to assist you in combat by temporarily restoring some of your health. In Survival mode, this increases a player’s chance of surviving longer and makes them more vulnerable to incoming strikes from the antagonist.

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