New Ghostbusters II

Console NES
Publisher HAL Laboratory
Genre Action
Region EU , JP
Views 932
Downloads 493
Released JP: December 26, 1990
PAL: 1991
File size 106.48 K
5/5 (1 vote)
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Similar to previous versions, New Ghostbusters II retains the role-playing, exploring, and puzzle gameplay in mysterious mazes. The game was released by Nintendo in 1990, and it was developed based on an actual movie called Ghostbusters.

In this version, you need to choose one of five characters: Egon Spengler, Ray Stantz, Peter Venkman, Winston Zeddemore and Louis Tully. The characters all have certain powers and are equal, so your choice of character is mainly based on your liking for the character. The appearance of the characters in the game is designed quite similar to the characters in the animated movies, but the first part will be bigger for you to easily observe. The player will choose a team of himself consisting of two members. The first is the main character whom you directly control, the player can control his character moving around the screen, but he cannot move diagonally. But in return, your character will move very fast so avoiding the ghosts is not too difficult. The second thing is that the player cannot control the minor character directly. The effect of the secondary character on the game is when the protagonist shoots Proton guns at the ghosts and limits their movement speed. Meanwhile, the supporting character will be responsible for destroying those stunned targets. The supporting character will follow right behind you in the journey to explore the maze, but if your main character is destroyed, he will wander or be trapped somewhere in the maze.

In order to complete the game, the player must pass all six rounds. Each round is modeled from real locations in Ghostbusters such as Courts, Subway Tunnels, Dana Barrett’s Apartments, Slime Rivers, Art Museum and Vigo’s Graves section. In the end of the third and sixth rounds, the player will face the boss. When moving, your main character can be destroyed by ghosts if they touch you. And the supporting characters will not be attacked by ghosts. When you have completed six rounds, the game will return to the beginning but the difficulty will be raised. Or you can choose the team to play with other characters, so you can experience the game and complete the task in the best way.

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