Uta no – Prince-Sama – Repeat

Console PSP
Publisher Broccoli
Genre Other
Region JP
Views 990
Downloads 602
Released May 9, 2013
File size 499.66 M
5/5 (1 vote)
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“Uta no – Prince-Sama – Repeat” is a simulation game based on a famous novel. The game revolves around the protagonist Haruka – a student of Saotome Academy who is also a famous art school. With her dream of becoming a talented composer, she had to collaborate with her classmates to set up a music compilation team and participate in music composition contests. As the main character, you will have the opportunity to start your own music club. The game is composed of 7 different chapters, 3 of which are unlocked when the player enters the game, while the remaining four chapters are only unlocked when you complete certain tasks. Throughout the game, the character will be offered a lot of options to create a song of their own. Besides, to avoid the boredom of the game in each chapter, interesting minigames have been added. Each minigame can be writing lyrics, playing the piano or answering some music-related questions. It may seem simple to overcome. But in fact, besides answering correctly, you will also have to answer quickly to get an A or an S points (you will pass), if you only got a B, then you will have to play again.

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